Hope Academy is a Classical & Liturgical Christian school in Wichita, Ks.
What Hope?
In a world that seemingly cannot get past how we have wounded, hurt, and betrayed one another, the outlook can look hopeless. But what if we went back further than our woundedness and betrayals to what makes us fundamentally human? What makes us fundamentally human is that all of us regardless of color, background, language, or nationality are made in the Image of God. It is in our shared humanity, as image bearers of God that we can find Hope.
The wounds and betrayals are real, but at Hope Academy we believe that it is by wounds—the wounds of Jesus—that we are healed (Isaiah 53.5). Back to the very first crime—when Cain murdered his brother Abel—the blood of Abel still calls out for Justice (Matthew 23.35), and Justice will come, but there is blood that speaks a better word—the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 12.24). And this is our Hope at Hope Academy.
We are not seeking to educate according to an ideology, agenda, or political platform, but according to what we all hold in common—our humanity. It is our belief that our created goodness in the Image of God, having been disfigured by the sins we have done to others and that have been done to us, is restored in Jesus alone. This is our Hope. This is a Hope Academy education.
About Hope Academy
Hope Academy plans to open its door in August of 2025 to Junior Kindergarten-3rd grade students. The goal is to have a minimum of 75% its students that qualify for Free & Reduced lunch. So while a family will not be denied because they can pay full tuition, the priority is on those who cannot pay full tuition! So if you cannot afford private school tuition, then Hope Academy is designed for you! Click here to learn more about affording Hope Academy.
Hope’s mission is to provide the richest of educations to all children in our city.
The vision of Hope Academy is that all children be formed, empowered and equipped in their own neighborhood to thrive through God’s Kingdom kindnesses of rich education, robust supports, and the historic practices of the Anglican church.
Hope Academy is a partner with Incarnation Anglican Church but welcomes children of all denominations and faiths.
Hope Academy partners also with you, the parent or caregiver, to give your family access to educate your child in an excellent education! No parent wants a “hot dog” education for their children. Hope Academy is preparing an education banquet for your child!
Core Values & Strategic Anhors
Core Values
Festive Paideia: The culture, liturgies and festive life of the historic Church, in the Anglican tradition
Festina Lente: “Make haste slowly”
Arete: Excellence — “No hot dogs”
Strategic Anchors
Simplicity: Less is More
Radical Accessibility: Removing as many barriers as possible to educate children in families that are willing to put in the work.
Humane education: Making carpenters into men, not men into carpenters.
Key Commitments
Prayer & Fasting.
Every family pays something. Every family treated like they pay 100%.
High Expectations. High Support. High Accountability.
Low barrier to entry. High commitment to remain.
Beware the subtle bigotry of low expectations.
“In loco parentis”—No parent wants a “hot dog” education for their child.
Making carpenters into men—not men into carpenters.
Partnership: Church. School. Parent (or caregiver).
We help start and support schools in Wichita and beyond who have shared vision & values.
While recognizing the importance of local distinctives and the uniqueness of our funding model, we are committed to following best practices for private Christian schools.
Hope Academy Statement of Faith
Hope Academy is a member of the C5 Urban School Initiative District.
Therefore, Hope Academy adheres to the C5 Statement of Faith found here.
Memberships & Affiliations
Hope Academy is a C5 Urban School Initiative District School.
Member of the Society for Classical Learning.
Member of the Spreading Hope Network.
“I insist that the object of all true education is not to make men carpenters, it is to make carpenters men”
— W.E.B. Dubois