
What do we mean by “Liturgical”?

Jesus is a teacher who doesn’t just inform our intellect but forms our very loves. He isn’t content to simply deposit new ideas into your mind; he is after nothing less than your wants, your loves, your longings.”

James K.A. Smith


We believe repeated patterns of habit develop not only rote memory but shape the soul. Liturgies are those patterns and habits that we practice over and over again, day after day. From getting up and brushing our teeth in the morning to how we order our coffee. Intentional deployment of repeated habits have been utilized by the church and synagogue for thousands of years. They are perfectly suited for educational formation.

“Liturgies aim our loves to different ends precisely by training our hearts through our bodies.”

— James K.A. Smith

What are examples of liturgies at Hope Academy?

The School Year Calendar

The first place that you may notice the use of liturgies is how the school calendar is shaped. The calendar is shaped around “macro” liturgies of the ancient Feasts and Festivals of the historic church. Most Christians are familiar with and celebrate the feasts of Christmas and Easter, but there are many more feasts and fasts that we celebrate, such as: Advent, Epiphany, Lent, All Saints, and Ash Wednesday. While some think these belong only to the Roman Catholic Church, they in fact are the shared heritage of all Christians!

Morning & Afternoon Prayer

Another place that liturgies are observed is the daily practice of coming together in prayer each morning and afternoon. We believe that consistent patterns of reading the Scripture, Prayer, and Singing are essential to experiencing the life that God intends for his children.

Classroom Practices

Even in the classroom liturgies are ever-present. From the way the day begins to the way papers are turned in, from the way the history facts are memorized to the way we go to lunch. All of these are highly intentional repetitive practices that are intended to build habits of body, mind, and soul.